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Etsy Views but No Sales: 6 Proven Ways to Boost Your Conversions

Are you frustrated with plenty of Etsy views but no sales? Check out this guide to understand the problem and provide actionable strategies for better conversions.

Etsy views but no sales

Last updated on September 27, 2024

Have you ever gone fishing? Imagine getting a good spot by paying extra, only to end up catching nothing? All you got was a few nibbles but no real catch. It’s frustrating, right? Well, why are we talking about fish and all?

It’s simple. Just like in fishing, getting lots of Etsy views but no sales can feel just as disheartening. Even after choosing the profitable niche, all you get is views but no traffic; it’s a sign that something needs to change.

In this blog, we’ll explore actionable strategies to turn those Etsy views into sales, helping you finally make the most of your hard work. Let’s dive in and start converting those nibbles into real results!

Understanding the Etsy sales funnel

To crack the reason behind Etsy views but no sales, let’s first understand the Etsy sales funnel.

The Etsy sales funnel represents the stages your potential customer goes through. It includes the process right from discovering the product to making a purchase.

Sales funnel
Source: Hello

Here’s how the Etsy sales funnel typically looks:


The first stage is when your audience first discovers your shop. It can happen through searches, social media, and Etsy’s recommendations.

Now, how and why these people move onto the next sales funnel depends on your sales and marketing ability.


Once shoppers find your shop, they’ll start exploring your product listings. At this stage, they’re browsing and learning about your brand, but they haven’t yet decided to purchase. They are trying to understand how your products can help them.


At this stage, shoppers are aware of your brand and shortlisted a few items to purchase. However, they’re considering factors like pricing, reviews, and shipping information come into play.


The final step is where the shopper is ready to make a purchase. At this stage, ensure a smooth navigation experience, provide clear checkout instructions, and respond promptly to any queries.

Any mistake in this journey can waste all your hard work.

By understanding and optimizing each stage of the funnel, you can identify major drop-off points and make the necessary improvements to avoid Etsy views but no sales.

Key reasons for Etsy views but no sales

If you are wondering why am I not getting sales on Etsy, here are a few reasons.

New shop struggles

If you have recently opened an Etsy shop, you might get views but no Etsy sales. New shops lack social proof, established reviews, and brand recognition—key elements that make shoppers feel confident in your shop and motivate them to make a purchase.

But don’t get discouraged! Building trust is not an overnight game. It takes time. Till then, keep on working on improving your shop.

Prices are too low

If your prices are too low, you may attract initial viewers but there will be no Etsy sales. Why?

Low prices are often perceived as indicators of low-quality products. While this may encourage them to click on your shop, they won’t make a purchase. Ensure your prices truly reflect the value of your product.

High shipping costs

Imagine successfully guiding customers through each stage of the sales funnel, and they will be shocked by the high shipping costs.

It’s a frustrating scenario and can lead to high cart abandonment. To prevent this, make sure your shipping prices are clear from the beginning. Consider offering free shipping options and incorporate those costs into your product pricing.

Poor keyword strategy

If your listing is getting views but no Etsy sales, poor keyword strategy might be the reason. Using popular keywords that are not relevant to your shop may attract initial views but won’t lead to sales.

To improve your keyword strategy, focus on terms genuinely related to your shop and offerings. Research what your target audience is looking for and incorporate them into your titles, tags, and descriptions.

Unoptimized product descriptions

Poor product descriptions can also be one of the reasons for no Etsy sales.

If the product description is unclear and doesn’t demonstrate how the product will help customers, they will be no Etsy sales.

Unattractive product photos

High-quality and clear photos of your products are a must. Potential buyers may click away if your images don’t make your products the hero and present them in the best light.

Lack of differentiation

If your products don’t stand out from the competition, you may struggle to achieve Etsy conversions.

With countless shops offering similar items, it is important to make your product unique—whether through design, quality, price, or features.

Also, adding this uniqueness is not going to help you if it’s not highlighted. So, make sure to communicate these differences in your listings.

Weak call to action (CTA)

A strong call to action is important to nudge shoppers to make a purchase. Once a person lands in your shop, you need to guide them to take the next steps.

Clear CTAs motivate your visitors to take action, like adding to the cart, favouriting your shop, or reaching out with questions.

Poor customer service

Poor customer service can also be a major reason for Etsy views but no sales.

If a potential buyer has a question about your product and you are not able to resolve that query on time, they are most likely to abandon the carts and shop elsewhere.

These were some common factors. By resolving them, you can ensure better conversion rates and turn those views into sales!

How to get more Etsy sales?

Enough with the problem; now, let’s talk about the solution and understand how to get more Etsy sales.

Here is a step-by-step, actionable approach to achieving better Etsy conversions:

Understand visitor’s intent

The first step to successful Etsy conversion is understanding the visitor’s intent.

Use an analytics tool to look at the search terms that are driving traffic to your shop. For example, if most of your audience is landing on your shop for “handmade gifts” or “Etsy rings“, tweak your listings to highlight this quality.

Similarly, you can update your product description, tags, and categories to match what your visitors are seeking.

You can also consider running short surveys or feedback forms to understand what your visitors are looking for.

Strengthen SEO, keywords, and copywriting

Etsy SEO is also an important aspect of your visibility.

To improve your search visibility, you need to work on the keywords. Use keyword analysis tools like EtsyRank or Marmalead to find relevant, high-volume keywords for your niche. Now, sprinkle them across your shop (titles, descriptions, and tags) naturally.

Tip: You can also use long-tail keywords to target more specific search queries, helping you reach your ideal customers.

Along with the keywords, you also need to work on copywriting. A great copy can make all the difference and ensure your potential buyers perceive your product in a positive light.

Your product description should be able to answer questions like: Why this product? Why now? It should narrate a compelling story about the product, features, benefits, and use cases.

Remember, a good copy can turn a casual browser into a loyal customer.

Use beautiful pictures

Another way to grab visitors’ attention and convert them into buyers is via high-quality, clear, and visually appealing images. Hire a professional photographer or improve your DIY setup with good lighting, clean backgrounds, and multiple angles of your product.

You can also use lifestyle images to help potential buyers understand how to use the product.

Also, Etsy allows for ten photos per product, so make sure to use all of them! You can also use video to showcase the product’s texture or functionality.

Improve pricing strategy and introduce offers

Your pricing should reflect the quality of your product. Research your competitors to check for their pricing strategy. Ensure your prices are competitive but also profitable.

You can also offer limited-time discounts, free shipping (by adding the shipping costs to the product price), and bundle deals to motivate visitors to take action.

You can also try Psychological pricing, such as $19.99 instead of $20.

Utilize marketing and place CTAs effectively

While making other changes is important, marketing your Etsy shop is crucial for better conversions. You can choose any marketing channel to promote your shop– email marketing, social media, paid ads, etc.

If you are new to this field, you can use social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook to build brand visibility. You can create engaging content like behind-the-scenes videos, customer testimonials, or process shots to attract visitors’ attention.

You can also build an email list by using opt-in forms. This way, you can run email campaigns to convert one-time buyers into regulars. You can also use cold emails to attract first-time visitors and motivate them to purchase in your shop.

Additionally, you should also give equal attention to CTAs. Clear CTAs guide visitors to take desired actions in your shop. You can use CTAs like “Add to cart now for free shipping!”, “Only three left—order now!” or “Order now for a 10% discount” to motivate your potential buyers to act faster.

Track and refine based on analytics

Data analytics is your best friend when it comes to refining your Etsy strategy.

Use Etsy analytic tools to track key metrics like product views, conversion rates, and traffic sources.

By monitoring these metrics, you can understand which products perform well, find hidden trends & opportunities, and also find areas for improvement.

You can also use data analytics to find reasons why some are converting while some shoppers are not.

You can then make relevant changes in your shop and track their impact on the conversion rate.

Overall, consistent data analysis can help you optimize your shop efficiently.

By implementing these strategies, you will be able to boost your Etsy sales and ensure your success.

Why is Putler an ideal solution for Etsy sales?

Putler for Etsy views but no sales

While there are many different analytics tools for Etsy, Putler stands out among all.

With its comprehensive features designed specifically for e-commerce needs, Putler is something you cannot miss for your Etsy shop success.

Unlike general analytics platforms like Google Analytics or Etsy Analytics, Putler is tailored for entrepreneurs looking to understand and optimize their sales performance on Etsy.

A quick comparison with popular alternatives:

  1. Google Analytics:

    While Google Analytics is a powerful analytical tool, it can be overwhelming for Etsy sellers. Also, its setup is complex, and it lacks eCommerce-specific insights like product performance, customer segmentation, and sales trends.

  2. Etsy Analytics:

    Etsy Analytics, on the other hand, offers basic insights directly from the platform but lacks depth and user-friendliness. Sellers can see traffic sources and views but not get a comprehensive sales analysis. They also can’t track customer behavior.

Putler- Best Etsy analytical tool

Putler is a powerful analytics tool that consolidates your data and provides actionable insights. It is easy to use and presents data in a visually appealing manner. It enables Etsy sellers to quickly identify trends, understand customer behaviour, and make data-driven decisions.

It also offers unique features like RFM segmentation, sales heatmap, multi-channel sales tracking, sales forecasting, refund tracking, currency conversion, etc., and empowers Etsy sellers to optimize their strategies effectively.

  1. Multiple-channel integration
    payment history paypal

    Putler allows easy integration with multiple Etsy shops and other selling platforms (Amazon, Shopify, Gumroad, eBay, etc.). It gives you a consolidated view of your business without the need to juggle between multiple dashboards.

  2. Complete sales data

    Using Putler’s Sales dashboard, you can track your sales performance, monitor key metrics, and utilize advanced features like sales heatmaps to identify best-selling times.

  3. Actionable customer insights
    Actionable customer insights

    Putler’s Customer dashboard offers in-depth information on your customer. It helps you to understand customer behavior. It allows you to track key customer metrics like % of customers lost, top 20% customers, net sales, total number of orders, etc.

  4. Customer segmentation
    Customer dashboard

    Putler allows you to segment customers based on location, spending, or purchase frequency. You can also use RFM segmentation to segment your customers based on their purchasing activity.

  5. Product performance analysis
    Product dashboard

    You can use Putler to track the performance of your listings, identify top-selling products, and analyze product trends to optimize your inventory and pricing.

  6. Upsell and cross-sell opportunities

    Putler has a feature called “Frequently Bought Together“. This feature provides you insights into products that your customers purchase together. You can use these insights to enhance your upselling strategies and increase your revenue.

Overall, Putler empowers Etsy sellers with data-driven insights, helps them optimize business operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive growth.

Final words

If you are seeing lots of Etsy views but no sales, it’s a sign you need to make changes in your strategy. By focusing on optimizing product listings, enhancing visuals, and refining your SEO, you strengthen your Etsy shop and ensure better conversions.

Additionally, remember to use analytics tools like Putler to gain deep insights into your shop’s performance and make data-driven decisions.


How important is customer feedback in increasing Etsy sales?

Customer feedback is an important aspect of your Etsy shop’s success. Positive reviews help build trust among potential buyers and encourage them to make purchases. To boost feedback, you can follow up with customers or offer incentives like discounts or points for reviews.

What can I do to encourage repeat customers on Etsy?

To encourage repeat business, consider offering loyalty discounts or personalized thank-you notes with each purchase. By building personalized connections with your customers along with exceptional service and incentives, you can encourage customers to return.

Can seasonal promotions help in converting views into sales?

Yes, seasonal promotions or limited-time offers can increase your sales by creating urgency. You can test time-sensitive deals to encourage hesitant buyers to make a purchase sooner rather than later.

How does Etsy’s advertising program help with sales?

Etsy Ads can help you to enhance your product visibility, especially for new or underperforming listings. You can use targeted ads to attract potential buyers and convert them successfully. Just make sure to monitor your ad spend and returns to ensure effectiveness in generating sales.

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