Customer Feedback: What business owners say about Putler?
How Putler helped business owners solve their problems? Here’s genuine customer feedback and review on sites like FinanceOnline, G2Crowd and Capterra.
How Putler helped business owners solve their problems? Here’s genuine customer feedback and review on sites like FinanceOnline, G2Crowd and Capterra.
Identify your best sellers, frequently bought together and other deep product insights using Putler. Know the five product sales hacks to increase your profits at a faster rate.
Want an easier way to make sense of Google web analytics? Here is a customized Google analytics dashboard that provides all key metrics in a single place. Take a look.
In-depth review on Getcontrol. Plus what makes Putler a great GetControl alternative, now that Getcontrol has shutdown it’s service.
Struggling with your online marketing results? Thinking about redesigning your website? Want to improve sales? Want to get more optin subscribers? Wondering why so many people abandon your cart? There’s one “magic-bullet” solution to all these problems.
We’ve struggled to find what makes us happy – for more than 2500 years. But it’s far easier to list what makes life miserable. Avoiding mistakes is the pre-requisite to success. Read this to see how you can apply this wisdom in your own life.
Putler provides a quick Performance Comparison of your business. You can compare the whole business, SBUs, teams, and accounts and view key performance metrics in a single place in just a few seconds. Dive in to learn more about performance comparison.
User growth rate formula, calculations, a solution that gives the correct user growth rate for your business, growth rate importance, scalable and non-scalable ways to improve your business growth rate.
Calculating Subscription metrics like MRR, churn, LTV is a task for SAAS businesses. Here’s the exact calculation for these metrics & a tool that calculates it accurately.
Are you wondering what the churn rate is and how to calculate it? Well, check out this article to learn more about churn rate, its significance for SaaS businesses, and how to calculate it.