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Putler's Sales Overview Blocks offer a comprehensive look at crucial statistics, divided into four key categories: Sales Block, Activity Log, Last 3 Months Performance Stats, and Academy. Each block is designed to provide admins with quick and intuitive access to vital information, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.

To learn more about the Pulse dashboard, you can also access this document.

Sales Metrics Widget


The Sales Block presents a detailed overview of sales performance for the current month, including total sales to date, daily sales figures, graphical representations of sales trends over the past three days, target sales setting, comparison statistics with the same month of the previous year, and forecasted sales.

This consolidated data saves significant time and effort, usually spent on manual compilation, and empowers admins to make timely adjustments and capitalize on opportunities.

How to use this metric?

  • Sales Stats: Admins can effortlessly track monthly sales performance, analyze daily sales trends, and strategize accordingly. For instance, they can gauge weekend performance to tailor promotional offers or leverage exceptional sales achievements for marketing purposes.
  • Graphical Representation: Visualizing sales data through graphical representation enhances comprehension and facilitates quick analysis, especially during peak shopping periods like weekends.
  • Forecasted Sales: The forecasted sales feature provides invaluable insights into anticipated performance for the entire month, calculated based on historical data and trends. This predictive capability enables proactive decision-making and effective planning. To grasp the concept of forecasts and their functionality, Click here.

How this monthly forecast is calculated

Let’s say you want to calculate the forecast for June 2024:

  1. First, the average sales of the previous three months (say, March 2024, April 2024 & May 2024) is calculated. – (A)

  2. Second, the average sales of the same three months but of the previous year (i.e. March 2023, April 2023 & May 2023) is calculated. – (B)

  3. Then, we calculate the trend by subtracting (B) from (A) and express it as a percentage. It may be positive or negative trend, i.e. upward or downward trend when compared to previous period.

  4. Now, the month for which we need to forecast (say June 2024), we add this trend value (C) to the sales value of the same month of the previous year (i.e. June 2023). – (D)

  5. The value (D) is the forecasted value.

Example Currently, the forecasted value is a range. E.g. $20,000 - $32,000 So here the calculation refers to one of the range values. The other value is determined by the below calculation.

  1. Calculating the average sales for the current month so far - (A)
  2. Finding the average for this month up to the minute level rather than day for this month for better accuracy. i.e. average sales/minute (for this month)

Then the same average is applied to the remaining minutes (days) in the month - (C)

Forecasted value - (A) + (C)


If the previous year's month’s values aren’t available, the average of the previous three months of the current month, (A) will be the forecasted value.


  • Efficiency: Admins can effortlessly compare performance metrics across the last three months and days, all within a single interface, saving time and streamlining decision-making processes.
  • Real-time Action: Immediate access to current figures empowers admins to make informed decisions and adapt strategies dynamically, optimizing performance.
  • Visual Clarity: Graphical representations eliminate language and literacy barriers, making it easier to understand and interpret sales data, particularly for the last three days.
  • Forecast Insights: By gaining visibility into forecasted sales for the month, admins can develop informed action plans and adjust strategies proactively, maximizing revenue potential.

By leveraging Putler's Sales Overview Blocks, admins can gain actionable insights, streamline operations, and drive business growth effectively.

Activity log


The Activity Log feature provides insights into various site activities related to sales, refunds, disputes, transfers, and failures.

How to use this metric?

  • Users can easily review the total number of disputes or refunds that occurred in the current month with just a few clicks.
  • By selecting the relevant dropdown option, all relevant statistics are readily available. Additionally, users have the option to view all activities together by selecting "ALL."


  • Prompt Response to Disputes: Users can quickly identify and address major disputes, which often require immediate attention. This feature enables users to delve into the details of each dispute for effective resolution.
  • Sales Funnel Optimization: Monitoring the frequency of failed requests can indicate potential issues in the sales funnel or checkout process. Users can take proactive measures to optimize their sales processes accordingly.
  • Insight into Recent Sales: Users gain valuable insights into recent sales activities, including which products are being sold the most. This information aids in strategic decision-making and inventory management.
  • Comprehensive Overview: By consolidating various site activities into one accessible log, users can gain a comprehensive overview of their site's performance and take informed actions to enhance efficiency and profitability.
  • Monitor all your websites in one place: Suppose you’ve added multiple stores/businesses in Putler you can now monitor and view all the recent activity that is happening across all of them from a single place.

Three Months Comparison



The Three Months Comparison feature provides a snapshot of key performance metrics including visitor count, conversion rate, ARPU, and revenue over the last 90 days compared to the preceding 90 days.

How to use this metric?

  • Users can easily analyze their site's performance trends by comparing metrics from the past three months with the corresponding previous period. This allows them to identify growth opportunities, benchmark performance, and make informed decisions about marketing strategies and resource allocation.


  • Informed Decision-Making: Users gain insights into performance trends, empowering them to make informed decisions about business strategies.
  • Proactive Optimization: Identifying areas of improvement or decline allows users to take timely actions to optimize performance and maintain competitiveness.
  • Goal Setting and Tracking: Comparing metrics over time enables users to set realistic goals and track progress towards achieving them, fostering accountability and focus on business objectives.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: By understanding performance changes, users can allocate resources more efficiently, maximizing ROI and enhancing profitability.

Did You Know



The Did You Know section is a daily-updated hub of valuable resources, offering insights for traffic growth, conversion optimization, customer retention, sales strategies, along with inspirational quotes, business humor, and engaging videos.

These insights are personalized based on your own data. Putler provides you with a new insight every day.

How to use this metric?

  • Users benefit from fresh content daily, providing insights and motivation for business and personal development.


  • Diverse Learning: Covers essential topics in business and personal growth.
  • Daily Inspiration: Provides new content daily for continuous motivation.
  • Practical Advice: Offers actionable tips and strategies for immediate use.
  • Continuous Improvement: Supports ongoing learning and development for long-term success.

Overview Section


Date Picker



The Date Picker allows users to pinpoint insights/metrics by segment, date range, and compare performance across various segments, days, months, and years.

How to use this metric?

  • Segmented Insights: Users can filter data to analyze specific segments, such as product categories, customer demographics etc.
  • Custom Date Analysis: Users can select date ranges to track performance trends and assess the impact of marketing efforts.
  • Comparative Analysis: The filter allows users to compare performance metrics across different segments or time periods.


  • Targeted Decision Making: Users gain focused insights for more effective planning and resource allocation.
  • Informed Decisions: Custom date analysis enables data-driven decision-making based on historical trends.
  • Performance Benchmarking: Comparative analysis helps identify areas for improvement and capitalize on strengths.
  • Efficiency: The filter streamlines data analysis, saving time and effort by focusing on relevant subsets of data.

Once the date picker is set, all the reports in the Overview section show data for the selected date range.

Net Sales



The Net Sales Widgetoffers a comprehensive view of website sales, including total sales, daily averages, visual trends(graph), and historical comparisons.

How to use this metric?

  • Quick Assessment: Users can quickly see how their overall sales are performing.
  • Trend Identification: Daily averages help users spot patterns and fluctuations in sales.
  • Visual Insights: Interactive graphs make it easy to understand sales trends by showing the ups and downs clearly.
  • Historical Comparison: Users can compare current sales data with past periods to make informed strategic decisions.

The percentages next to each metric show the change (increase or decrease) compared to the same period chosen in the date picker. For example, if you select a 7-day period in the date picker, Putler will compare the net sales of the past 7 days and display the difference as a percentage.


  • Complete Overview: Get a full picture of sales performance to make better decisions.
  • Quick Response: Identify trends quickly and adjust your sales strategy accordingly.
  • Clear Visuals: Understand complex data easily with attractive graphs.
  • Strategic Planning: Compare current and past sales to guide future growth and stay competitive.

Customer Metrics



Understanding customer activity is crucial for any business aiming for sustainable growth. The Quick Customer Overview Block serves as a concise yet insightful snapshot of customer engagement, providing essential metrics such as orders, unique customer count, trend analysis, Average Revenue Per Paying User (ARPPU), dispute issues, and failed orders. This tool empowers businesses to make informed decisions by quickly grasping key customer behavior patterns.

How to use this metric?

Imagine you're a manager in an e-commerce company. Every morning, you need to get a quick grasp of how your customers are interacting with your platform. The Quick Customer Overview Block is your go-to solution. In a single glance, you can see the number of orders processed, identify any significant shifts in customer behavior, understand revenue trends, and spot any emerging issues such as disputes or failed orders.


  • Time-Saving: The Quick Customer Overview consolidates key metrics, making data gathering and analysis more efficient.
  • Valuable Insights: Understand customer behavior trends for proactive decision-making.
  • Actionable Data: Identify areas for improvement to boost customer satisfaction and increase revenue.
  • Better Strategies: Use insights from the Quick Customer Overview to refine marketing, tailor promotions, and enhance the customer experience.

Example Let's say you're analyzing the Quick Customer Overview Block for your e-commerce platform:

  • Orders: 1000 orders processed yesterday, indicating a steady flow of transactions.

  • Unique Customers: 800 unique customers made purchases, showcasing a loyal customer base.

  • Trend Analysis: Overall orders are up by 10% compared to last week, indicating positive growth. However, the number of disputes has increased by 20%, signaling a potential issue.

  • ARPPU: Average Revenue Per Paying User is $50, suggesting a healthy spending pattern among customers.

  • Disputes: 5 disputes were raised yesterday, with 2 still unresolved, highlighting a need for improved dispute resolution processes.

  • Failed Orders: 3 failed orders due to technical glitches, indicating areas for system improvement.

Armed with this information, you can take targeted actions such as addressing the increase in disputes, resolving technical issues causing failed orders, and leveraging the growth trend to further boost revenue.

Website Metrics



The Website Metrics Widget is an invaluable tool for businesses seeking to understand and optimize website visitor engagement. It provides a comprehensive overview of visitor metrics, including conversion rates, the distinction between one-time and repeat customers in graphical representation for quick understanding, and insights into customer acquisition on a daily basis.

This tool empowers businesses to tailor strategies to enhance user experience, improve conversion rates, and foster customer loyalty.

How to use this metric?

Picture yourself as a digital marketer responsible for analyzing website performance. Every day, you need to gauge visitor engagement, understand conversion rates, and track the effectiveness of customer acquisition efforts. The Website Metrics Widget simplifies this process by offering a clear snapshot of visitor behavior, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to enhance website performance.


  • Complete Insights: Understand visitor behavior, conversion rates, and customer acquisition in one place.
  • Clear Visuals: Instantly grasp customer retention with graphs showing one-time vs. repeat customers.
  • Conversion Tracking: Monitor conversion rates to evaluate marketing, website design, and user experience.
  • Customizable: Select specific dates for tailored, relevant insights.

Example Imagine you're analyzing the Website Metrics Widget for your e-commerce website:

  • Conversion Rate: The conversion rate for the past week is 3%, indicating that out of every 100 visitors, 3 make a purchase.

  • One-Time vs. Repeat Customers: A pie chart displays that 60% of customers are one-time purchasers, while 40% are repeat customers, highlighting the importance of fostering customer loyalty.

  • Graphical Representation: A bar graph illustrates customer acquisition per day over the past month, showing spikes on days with promotional campaigns and dips on weekends.

  • Insights: By selecting a specific date range, you uncover that customer acquisition increased by 15% following the launch of a targeted email campaign.

Subscription Metrics



The Subscription Metrics widget tracks key indicators like Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Churn Rate, and Active Subscriptions.

How to use this metric?

Imagine you're the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company. Your primary objective is to drive revenue growth and enhance customer retention. Each month, you need to assess the effectiveness of your subscription model and devise strategies to optimize performance.


  • Quick Overview: Get a complete view of subscription performance at a glance with consolidated key metrics, saving time and effort.
  • Informed Decisions: Use insights on MRR, Churn Rate, and Active Subscriptions to make data-driven marketing decisions, like improving customer retention if churn is high.
  • Evaluate Impact: Assess how marketing campaigns, pricing changes, or product updates affect subscription metrics to refine strategies.
  • Strategic Planning: Use historical data to forecast trends and set realistic growth targets, aligning strategies with data-backed insights.
  • Team Collaboration: Enhance collaboration between marketing, sales, and product teams by providing a shared understanding of subscription performance.

In conclusion, the Subscription Metrics Overview block gives actionable insights to drive revenue growth, improve customer retention, and stay competitive. Leveraging this feature helps businesses optimize their subscription models and reach their full potential.

Top 20% Customer Insights



This block helps by showcasing the net sales generated by the top 20% of customers within a selected date range, along with the primary location of these sales, this block offers strategic insights to drive targeted marketing efforts and optimize customer relationships.

How to use this metric?

Imagine you're a sales manager in a retail company. Your goal is to maximize revenue by nurturing relationships with high-value customers. With the Top 20% Customers Insight Block, you can quickly identify the top-performing customers and understand their purchase patterns, allowing you to tailor personalized marketing campaigns and strengthen customer loyalty.


  • Strategic Decision Making: Gain insights into the purchasing behavior and preferences of top customers, enabling data-driven decisions to enhance customer experience and drive sales.

  • Targeted Marketing: Develop targeted marketing strategies to engage and retain top customers, leveraging insights into their buying habits and preferences.

  • Location Analysis: Identify the primary locations where sales from top customers are occurring, enabling targeted expansion efforts and localized marketing initiatives.


As a sales manager reviewing the Top 20% Customers Insight Block:

  • Net Sales: $50,000 generated by the top 20% of customers within the selected date range, indicating the revenue contribution of this segment.

  • Primary Location: Analysis reveals that the majority of sales from top customers are originating from urban areas, prompting targeted marketing efforts in these regions.

In summary, the Top 20% Customers Insight Block serves as a strategic tool for businesses to identify and nurture high-value customer relationships, driving revenue growth and fostering long-term success.

Top 20% Products Insights



The Top 20% Products Insight Block offers a strategic overview by showcasing the sum of net sales generated by the top 20% of products for a selected date range, this block empowers businesses to identify high-performing products and optimize inventory management and marketing strategies accordingly.

How we find Top 20% Products

Assume you have 100 unique products in your store, but only 50 products are sold. Then 20% of the products sold; 10 products whose contribution to the sales is maximum are arranged in descending order. The sum of net sales of these 10 products and their % contribution to total sales is displayed.


  • Focused Inventory Management: Identify and prioritize high-performing products for effective inventory management and replenishment.

  • Strategic Marketing: Allocate resources towards marketing efforts for top-performing products to maximize sales and revenue.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilize insights into product performance to inform pricing strategies, promotions, and product development initiatives.

  • Optimized Revenue Generation: Focus on products with the highest sales contribution to drive revenue growth and profitability.

In summary, the Top 20% Products Insight Block enables businesses to identify and capitalize on the most lucrative products within their inventory, driving sales, and maximizing profitability.


This document provides an overview of the features and benefits of the Home Dashboard in Putler. For more information or assistance, please refer to the Putler FAQ docs or contact our support.