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Sales Dashboard


Putler provides predefined filters(Facets) to filter your data based on sales/orders.


If you are not satisfied with the predefined filters, you can filter data by creating customized segments. Follow this link to know more.

Predefined Filters (Facets)

Segment sales based on location


When it comes to segmenting sales based on location, you're essentially breaking down your sales data by geographic areas. This helps you understand which regions are performing well and where you might need to focus more attention. By doing this, you can tailor your marketing efforts and strategies to better meet the needs of customers in each area, ultimately boosting overall sales and customer satisfaction. Here are the steps to filter orders based on the Locations.


This is only possible if you collect your customer's address information during checkout.

How to use this metric?

You can filter based on their location and then export a CSV. You can use this CSV to -

  • Run geo-targeted ads
  • Send out festive offers
  • Create FB lookalike audience
  • Send out targeted emails
  • Filter sales/order based on Products

Segment sales based on Products


Putler is an advanced analytics tool designed for e-commerce businesses.One of its key features is the ability to segment sales based on products. This feature allows businesses to analyze sales data in a more granular way, identifying trends and making strategic decisions. Here are the steps to filter orders based on the Products.

How to use this metric?

  • Identification of Product Quantity
  • Identify Best-Selling Products
  • Recognize Underperforming Products
  • Pricing Strategy Development

Segment sales based on Status


With Putler's sales dashboard, you can easily filter transactions by status, like completed and refunded. This means you get a crystal-clear view of your sales performance for these specific categories.

Segment sales based on Amount Ranges


Putler looks at your entire sales data and categorizes it into different amount ranges. Using this filter, you can figure out your most money-making amount range. Here are the steps to filter orders based on the amount range.

How to use this metric?

You can use this information in a couple of ways:

  • Optimize Pricing Strategies
  • Revenue Forecasting
  • Product Pricing Analysis
  • Introduce New Products
  • Identifying High-Value Customers

Sales Metrics

Putler provides all the key sales metrics in one place that is on the Sales Dashboard.


Before looking at any metrics, make sure you have selected the right date range using the date picker at the top right corner.

Net Sales


Net sales are the amount of money you have earned for the selected date range after subtracting refunds, and discounts from the gross sales amount for the same date range.

Think of it like this: if you earned $100 but had to refund $20 and gave a $10 discount, your net sales would be $70. But hey, here’s the catch: only refunds for sales made within your selected date range count.

So, if you sold something ages ago but refunded it now, it won’t chip away from your net sales. It’s all about giving you the clearest picture of what’s really going on with your sales!

How to use this metric?

  • Monitor net sales performance accurately for a selected date range.
  • Gain insights into revenue trends by tracking refunds and discounts.
  • Make informed decisions by understanding the true profitability of sales activities.

Daily Average

'' The daily average in the Putler sales dashboard is calculated by summing up daily sales figures over a specified period and then dividing by the number of days in that period. This metric provides a clear understanding of the typical sales performance on a day-to-day basis.

How to use this metric?

  • Precision in goal setting through daily sales targets.
  • Identification of peak and low sales days for deeper analysis.
  • Ongoing monitoring of progress towards sales goals, enabling timely strategy adjustments.



In the Putler sales dashboard, "Orders" refers to the total number of orders placed over a specified period, providing a clear metric of sales activity. It provide a clear view of the number of purchases made, helping businesses track their sales performance accurately.

How to use this metric?

  • Tracking sales: Orders quantify purchases, aiding in sales performance evaluation.
  • Inventory management: Order data analysis enhances stock-level management for demand fulfillment.
  • Customer insights: Order patterns reveal preferences and trends, facilitating targeted marketing.
  • Forecasting: Historical order analysis enables accurate sales trend predictions for informed decision-making.

Average Revenue/Sale


Average Revenue per Sale in the Putler sales dashboard is calculated by dividing the total gross sales by the number of orders received within a selected date range. This metric provides insight into the average amount of revenue generated from each individual sale.


Average Revenue per Sale is a key metric in sales analysis, indicating the average amount of revenue generated per individual sale.

How to use this metric?

  • This metric helps make informed pricing changes.

Sales Chart


The Putler sales dashboard offers a detailed breakdown chart that gives a comprehensive overview of performance metrics such as net sales and orders. This visualization enables users to swiftly evaluate the distribution and trends of various aspects of sales data.

With this chart, users can easily identify patterns, spot anomalies, and gain valuable insights into their sales performance.

Sales Heatmap


Putler's Sales Heatmapis a visual representation of sales data that helps identify the best and worst days and times for making sales within a selected date range.

How to use this metric?

  • By analyzing the heatmap, you can pinpoint the best days and times to run sales, maximizing your revenue potential.
  • Utilizing this feature you can optimize your marketing strategy by ensuring promotions align with customer buying patterns, enhancing conversion rates and overall profitability.


  • Visual Insight: Instantly recognize patterns with darker spots indicating higher sales activity, enabling quick decision-making.
  • Optimized Timing: Determine the best days and times for running sales, maximizing your revenue potential, stay active on live chat etc.

Read more about the Sales Heatmap

Sales Breakdown Chart


The Sales Breakdown Chart is a dynamic visualization tool that provides detailed insights into sales performance over a selected period. Users can choose a date range using the date picker and view a comprehensive breakdown of orders, gross sales, refunds, and net sales.

How to use this metric?

  • Order Tracking: Easily track the number of orders placed within a selected date range.
  • Gross Sales Monitoring: Monitor total sales before refunds and other adjustments.
  • Refund Management: Keep track of refunds issued during the selected period.
  • Net Sales Calculation: Automatically calculate net sales after accounting for refunds.
  • Date-Specific Analysis: Select any date range to view detailed sales breakdown for that specific period.
  • Trend Identification: Identify sales trends over time by comparing different date ranges.


  • Precise tracking of gross and net sales for improved financial reporting
  • Understanding refunds enhances customer service and product offerings
  • Quick access to detailed sales data saves time on manual calculations and report generation
  • Clear insights into sales performance support strategic planning and business growth

Green & Red mark indicates sales & refunds respectively.

SaaS Sales Metrics

In the Putler sales dashboard, you can easily view both your MRR and churn rate metrics, helping you understand your revenue stability and customer retention efforts. Additionally, you'll find the count of active subscriptions, giving you insights into your current customer base size.

Here’s the explanation:



MRR stands for Monthly Recurring Revenue, which is the amount of predictable revenue a business can expect each month from its subscriptions or recurring payments.

Churn Rate

The Churn Rate represents the percentage of customers who stop subscribing to a service over a certain period. It's a key metric for understanding customer retention and business health.

Active Subscriptions

Active Subscriptions in the Putler sales dashboard overview section shows the current number of subscribers who are actively paying for the service. This metric helps track the growth or decline of the customer base over time.



The Refunds section in the Putler sales dashboard displays the sum total of all refunds processed within the selected date range, including refunds for sales made in earlier periods but processed within the current selected date range. For instance, if sales were made in May but refunded in June, those refunds would be included in the total for June.


This section monitors any disputes or chargebacks initiated by customers through payment processors or banks. It's essential for understanding and managing payment disputes, which can impact revenue and reputation.

Recurring Orders

This section focuses on orders that occur on a recurring basis, such as subscriptions or regular purchases. It provides insights into the number of recurring orders, their value, and trends over time. Monitoring recurring orders helps businesses understand customer behavior and predict future revenue streams.

Top 3 Products


One prominent feature is the "Top 3 products" section, which highlights the three best-performing products based on criteria like revenue or quantity sold. This section typically includes the product name, the percentage of total sales attributed to each product, and the revenue generated by each product.

How to use this metric?

  • The feature helps quickly find best-selling products and how much they earn.
  • Users can plan better by concentrating on these top products for more growth.
  • A simple layout makes it easy to understand and make decisions.
  • It helps manage sales better and saves time.

Orders List View


The order List feature within Putler provides a detailed overview of your customer base, including crucial information such as purchase date, customer details, location, products, and transaction amounts.

Transaction Details Card


Clicking on a specific order in the Orders List opens the Transaction Details Card, which provides a detailed breakdown of the transaction. The details are organized into several sections:

Item Details

  • Product Name: The name of the product purchased.
  • Quantity: The number of units purchased.
  • Amount: The total amount for the product (price per unit multiplied by quantity).

Transaction Details

  • Account: The account associated with the transaction.
  • Transaction ID: A unique identifier for the transaction.
  • Type: The type of transaction (e.g., purchase, refund).
  • Date and Time: The exact date and time when the transaction occurred.
  • Address: The customer's billing or shipping address.
  • Phone: The customer's phone number.

Financial Breakdown

  • Sub Total: The sum of the amounts for all items in the order before any additional charges or discounts.
  • Commission: Any commission applied to the transaction.
  • Shipping: Shipping costs associated with the order.
  • Fees: Additional fees applied to the transaction (e.g., handling fees).
  • Tax: Taxes applied to the order.
  • Discount: Any discounts applied to the transaction.
  • Net: The final amount after all charges and discounts have been applied.

How to use this metric?

  • Detailed Customer Profiles: Access complete profiles that include purchase history, geographic location, and personal details.
  • Monitor Transactions: Keep track of all transactions in real time to assess sales performance and identify trends.
  • Tax Preparation: Simplify tax reporting with accurate and organized transaction records.


  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions based on comprehensive data analysis of customer behavior and sales trends.
  • Time Savings: Quickly access and analyze data, freeing up time for other critical business activities.
  • Scalable Systems: Manage growing customer data efficiently as your business expands.

Export Options


On the top right-hand side of the order details, users have access to an export feature. They can export the list in various formats, including: CSV Mailchimp


For a detailed understanding of customer data and seamless analysis, utilize the export feature to export the list.



This document provides an overview of the features and benefits of the Sales Dashboard in Putler. For more information or assistance, please refer to the Putler FAQ docs or contact our support.