Best solution with WooCommerce and Google Analytics integration
All-in-one WooCommerce reports
Get accurate analytics and detailed dashboards for your WooCommerce business. Real-time order updates, infinite segmentation, product insights, customer segments, SaaS metrics, visitor tracking and other useful reports.
Start a free trial, or try a live demo to see it yourself.
Best reporting tool out there for WooCommerce
It’s really the best option in terms of value for money and ease of integration. Plus excellent customer service!
All my Woo sales and customer analytics in one place
Before Putler I had to painfully export from WooCommerce, stitch things together in a spreadsheet and then analyze numbers with pivot tables. Now all my sales information is readily accessible and searchable within Putler. Putler does an amazing job of consolidating all my data across WooCommerce store, PayPal and Stripe.
Important question!
Are native WooCommerce reports enough to grow your store?
In order to grow your business, you need quick and powerful analytics. Native WooCommerce reports are basic and slow.
- WooCommerce built-in reporting dashboards are easy
- You get basic reports on orders, products, coupons and customers
- Simple filters for date, order type and order status are included
- No ad-hoc reporting, drill downs or segmentation
- Restrictive comparisons, cross-referencing and data exploration capabilities
- No insights, forecasting, trends or growth tips
- Slow and incomplete due to inherent platform limitations
Google Analytics enhanced eCommerce tracking to the rescue?
Lot of us want to send eCommerce events from WooCommerce to Google Analytics, while that is great (and we wrote a blog post on setting up GA including plugins available), but also read our post on why you can’t rely on Google analytics for accurate eCommerce tracking.
The short answer is: no, Google Analytics is not the answer for your eCommerce tracking.
But wait, there is a solution!
Putler fixes hundreds of problems in transactional data and provides the best eCommerce analytics solution in the market.
Putler analyses everything in your WooCommerce store – your products, orders, customers, sales and even your website visitors from Google Analytics. Putler processes all this data, cleans it, enriches it and then provides you actionable tips and reports that help grow your WooCommerce store the right way.
Putler is multi-system unified reporting platform. It gives you accurate statistics because it can combine WooCommerce order data with payment gateway transactions.
Feature |
Reporting accuracy | May show wrong stats | Very high accuracy through payment gateway consolidation |
Order reports | Simple chart, basic metrics | In-depth sales reporting, advanced metrics |
Customer reports | Simple chart, basic metrics | New / returning customers, rich customer profiles, lots of key metrics, customer history |
Product reports | Basic product and category reporting | Key product metrics, products leaderboard, 80:20 products, insights like frequently bought together |
Export as CSV | Only product export available | Export products, customers, orders and transactions |
Multiuser team access | Direct access to full WooCommerce data – not desirable for assistants / support team. | “Admin” or “Support” privileges, restricts access to analytics and order management. |
Subscription metrics | – | ARR, MRR, churn, LTV, ARPU and much more. Supports Woo Subscriptions plugin. |
Transaction reports | – | Transaction status and other drill downs, metrics, intuitive transaction search |
Multi-store reporting | – | Consolidate multiple stores, payment gateways and Google Analytics into a single dashboard |
Search, segments and drill downs | – | Instant search, lots of powerful filters. Saved segments. |
Single product / customer reports | – | Detailed analysis and rich insights |
RFM customer segmentation | – | Automatic customer segmentation based on their shopping behavior |
Forecasting | – | Monthly revenue prediction, annual scenario planning |
Performance comparison | Limited | Advanced comparisons – even across multiple stores |
Insights and growth tips | – | Actionable tips to grow sales and acquire customers |
Weekly email reports | – | Weekly summary report emailed to your/team’s inbox |
Spreadsheet / manual reporting | You need to rely on manual work and spreadsheets for ad-hoc analysis | Everything is automated and done for you within Putler |
You too can grow your business with powerful analytics
Step 1
Create an account, install our free WooCommerce plugin and connect your store to Putler.
Step 2
Putler will automatically sync data, process & clean it and provide you enriched data and in-depth reports.
Step 3
Use actionable insights and growth ideas to scale your business and make profitable decisions. ?
Unique + useful
What gives Putler an edge over others?
There are lots of things in Putler that give it a solid competitive advantage over alternatives – here are a few…
Aggregation & cleanups
Unify multiple e-commerce platforms, payment gateways, currencies, teams, segments… Putler is the only solution that can handle such complexities – so you can make better decisions.
Powerful analytics
Sales, products, customers, subscriptions, forecasting, website audience… Instant search, filters, facets, comparisons, drill downs… Get power and convenience both.
Segmentation, RFM, useful metrics
Develop marketing campaigns with holiday season insights and automatic RFM segmentation on customers. Create custom segments. Monitor your business with 153+ pre-bulit metrics.
Beyond marketing and C level
Business owners, executives, marketing, data analysts, fulfillment and even customer support. Putler has reporting as well as operational tools – and supports unlimited teams and team members.
Blazing speed means faster answers
Need to find a transaction? Want to find some stat? Curious about metrics for a product, geography or segment? Putler is built with cutting edge technologies to get you answers quickly.
For every business
Well known analytics products cater only to recurring billing businesses. Most also support limited platforms. Putler works for e-commerce, digital products as well as subscription businesses.
Plenty of evidence,
Putler will work for you too
Thousands of businesses like yours are using Putler to create success and freedom they deserve. You can too.
Putler delivers solid results
- 94% say they got better control on their business with Putler.
- “campaign costs down by 78% and revenues jumped by 32%”
- “gives us sixteen hours every week”
- “from an hour issuing refunds everyday to under 10 minutes”
- “no room for blind-spots, confusion or chaos within the team”
- “$6045 in new sales in just few days using Putler’s insights”
- “from false, hope driven guesswork to concrete data driven actions”
Not just for WooCommerce
Putler combines everything – multiple stores, multiple data sources, multiple currencies
Putler intelligently syncs together different platforms and shows you the big picture of your business.
Go beyond the limitations of WooCommerce and Google Analytics
Switch to Putler, it’s worth it.
A single insight can be worth thousands of dollars. And hours of time savings will let you focus on more important things.
Try it yourself – no risk, no credit-card and fully worth your time.
96% people said it was worth signing up for a trial.