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Customer Segmentation

Putler helps you segment your customer based on multiple parameters.

How to segment customers based on location?

Geo Targeted segmentation/ Location based segmentation is a segmentation technique which divides customers based on their geography. Putler provides a very simple way to segment customers based on their geography. It lets you filter customers based on the Continent, Country, County. Infact, you can segment customers right upto the street level.


This is only possible if you collect your customers address information during checkout.

Steps to filter customers based on location

  • Log in to Putler
  • Select the Customer Dashboard.
  • Adjust the date range
  • On the left-hand side, there is a widget having the Location Drilldown.
  • Select the location of your choice.
  • Once you select the location or locations, all customers from that location for the selected data range will be shown in the list view at the right.
  • Export these customers as a CSV.

Ways to use the location filter

  1. Run geo-targeted ads
  2. Send out festive offers
  3. Create FB lookalike audience
  4. Send out targeted emails
  5. Take decisions to add translation to your app/webpage
  6. Take decisions to accept local currency on your website

How to segment customers based on products?

A useful way of segmentation is segmenting customers based on the products that they purchased.

Putler helps you achieve this within a few clicks.

Steps to filter customers based on products

  • Login to Putler.
  • Select the Customer Dashboard.
  • Adjust the date range in the date picker.
  • On the left-hand side, there is widget having the Products Drilldown
  • Select your product or group of products
  • All customers who have picked this product(s) in the selected date range will be shown in the list view to the right. Export this as CSV

Ways to use the product filter?

  1. Upsells - Figure out which products are frequently bought together with the selected product. For example: If Products A and B are bought together. Filter out customers who have bought either Product A or B and upsell them the other product.
  2. Ask for feedback - Filter customers who have bought a particular product and write them a targeted email. Ask them what they like/dislike about the product.
  3. Market research - Suppose you are introducing a complementary product to an existing product, filter customers of the existing product and give them a heads up of the upcoming complementary product.

How to segment customers based on revenue?

Putler makes it simple to segment customers based on the revenue they contribute to your business.

You can use this drilldown to figure out which revenue range has the highest number of customers. Meaning which revenue range is most popular among your audience. You can use this information in a couple of ways like:

  1. Figure out the pricing sweet spot - Since you have majority customers in a particular price range, it means your customers are comfortable with this price range. So you can introduce more products in this price range or reprice existing products to fall in this range.
  2. Spot big spenders - Figure out who are the customers who have contributed more revenue to your business. Export a CSV of such customers and upsell them more products.

Steps to filter customers based on revenue contribution

  • Login to Putler.
  • Select the customer dashboard.
  • Adjust the date range
  • On the left-hand side, you will find a widget showing the Revenue Contribution drilldown.
  • Select the revenue range you want to filter customer data for.
  • Once selected, Putler will pull all customers that fall in the selected revenue range in the right section.
  • Export these filtered customers as a CSV

How to segment customers based on customer type?

Putler helps you filter your customers based on their type, namely - New customers, Returning customers.

Business owners can use this filter to identify all the new customers the business has gained in a particular period. They can then use this information to welcome these customers or send them special welcome offers.

Similarly, business owners can identify returning customers and award them for their loyalty.

Steps to filter customers based on customer type

  • Login to Putler.
  • Select the customer dashboard.
  • Adjust the date range in the Date Picker
  • On the left-hand side, you will see a widget for the customer type drilldown.
  • Select your customer type. There are two options: a) New customer. b)Returning customer.
  • Once selected, Putler will pull all the customers belonging to the selected customer type for the adjusted date range.
  • You will see all these customers in the list view to the right. You can then export a CSV of this list.

How to segment Customers based on duration (joining date)

What if you want to filter customers based on the duration they have been with your business?

Few examples:

  1. Filter customers who joined within the last 30 days.
  2. Filter customers who have been with your business for over a year
  3. Filter customers who have been with you for more than 2 years

Putler makes it super simple to segment customers based on duration (join date a.k.a when they first became your customers)

Steps to filter customers based on duration

  • Login to Putler.
  • Select the Customer Dashboard.
  • Adjust the date range
  • On the left-hand side, there is a widget named 'Customer Since'
  • Select from the various options under this drilldown
  • Once selected, Putler will pull in all customers that fall in that category.

How to segment customer based on number of orders?

Want to instantly identify big spenders among your customers? Filter customers who have placed multiple orders on your store/website.

Putler has a drilldown which helps you segment customers based on the number of orders they place on your store.

Steps to Filter Customer based on the Total Number of Orders

  • Login to Putler.
  • Select the Customer Dashboard.
  • Adjust the date range
  • On the left-hand side, there is a widget - Total Number of Orders
  • Select whichever option you wish to find customers for under the Total Number of Orders Drilldown.
  • Once you've made your selection, Putler will pull all the customers that have placed the selected number of orders on your store.
  • Export a CSV or analyze this data within Putler.

Ways to use this filter?

  • Identify top customers - Find customers who have placed the highest number of orders on your store. They are your best customers. Give them top priority and early bird access every time you launch a new product.
  • Upsells - People who have bought more than once from your store might end up buying more. So use this information to send out relevant upsells.
  • Pitch offers - Appreciate and acknowledge people for patronizing your store and offer them discounts/loyalty rewards.

How to segment customers based on product attributes?

Putler also provides variation reports. So incase you have a variation business, Putler will help you filter data around the various variations.


Product variations are referred to as Product Attributes within Putler.

Using Putler, you can -

  1. Find all the customers that have bought a particular variation
  2. Find the total number of customers that have bought a particular variation

You can use this information to figure out which variation is popular and which is not. You can take smart inventory decisions like reordering/taking down a particular variation.

Steps to filter customers based on product attributes

  • Login to Putler.
  • Select the Customer Dashboard.
  • Adjust the date range
  • On the left-hand side, there is a widget - Product Attributes
  • Select whichever attribute you wish to find customers
  • Once you've made your selection, Putler will pull all the customers that purchased the selected attribute/group of attributes for the selected date range.
  • Export a CSV or analyze this data within Putler.

How to segment customers based on their shopping behavior?

Putler studies the shopping behavior of your customers and divides them into 11 segments. It uses a segmentation technique called RFM segmentation. Read about it here