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Time Machine Dashboard


Revenue Forecast


The Revenue Forecast provides insights into the projected monthly revenue over a span of 12 months, considering factors such as current revenue, monthly growth rate, and revenue churn. To know more in detail about how it works Click here.

How to use this metric?

Imagine you manage an e-commerce platform. Utilizing the Revenue Forecast, you can anticipate your future earnings based on existing revenue trends. For instance, you may want to plan inventory, marketing campaigns, or financial projections for the coming year.


Let's say your starting revenue for June 2018 is $3000. Over the past three months, your revenue has grown by $450 each month, while experiencing a churn rate of 5.6%. By inputting these metrics into the Revenue Forecast model, you predict that your monthly revenue for May 2019 will reach $5513.


  • Strategic Planning: The Revenue Forecast allows you to make informed decisions about resource allocation, budgeting, and business strategies for the future.

  • Performance Monitoring: By comparing actual revenue with forecasted revenue, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your business operations and adjust strategies accordingly.

  • Risk Management: Anticipating revenue fluctuations enables you to mitigate risks and take proactive measures to maintain financial stability and growth.

Customers Forecast


The Customers Forecast predicts the future customer count at the end of 12 months based on the current number of customers, considering factors such as customer growth rate and churn rate.

How to use this metric?

Imagine you manage a subscription-based service. By utilizing the Customers Forecast, you can estimate your future customer count and plan for scalability, marketing strategies, and customer retention initiatives accordingly.


Suppose you have 600 customers as of June 2024. Over the past three months, your customer count has grown by 45 each month, while experiencing a churn rate of 9.6% per month. Based on these metrics, the Customers Forecast predicts that you'll have 507 customers by the end of May 2025.


  • Strategic Growth Planning: The Customers Forecast enables you to forecast future customer acquisition and plan expansion strategies accordingly, ensuring scalability and business growth.

  • Customer Retention Strategies: By identifying churn patterns and trends, you can implement targeted retention strategies to reduce churn rates and enhance customer loyalty.

  • Resource Allocation: Anticipating future customer counts allows you to allocate resources effectively, such as staffing, infrastructure, and marketing budgets, to support your business objectives and meet customer demands.

10x Forecast


The 10x Forecast predicts future revenue based on the 10x growth formula, which combines increases in traffic, conversions, and average revenue per user. This simplified model assumes a 10x growth, although it's technically a 12x growth. Click here to understand the further matrix.

How to use this metric?

Imagine you're running an online store. Utilizing the 10x Forecast, you can set ambitious growth targets and develop strategies to achieve them. By focusing on increasing traffic, improving conversions, and boosting average revenue per user, you aim to significantly enhance your revenue generation.


Suppose you acquired 5000 visitors in March 2018, with a conversion rate of 0.75% and an average revenue per user (ARPU) of $40, resulting in a total monthly revenue of $1500. Applying the 10x formula to target visitors, conversion rate, and ARPU, the forecast predicts that your revenue for February 2019 will reach $17995. 10x Forecast


  • Ambitious Goal Setting: The 10x Forecast encourages setting ambitious growth targets, fostering a mindset of aiming high and pushing boundaries to achieve exponential growth.

  • Strategic Focus: By focusing on increasing traffic, improving conversions, and boosting average revenue per user (ARPU), businesses can develop targeted strategies to drive growth across multiple areas simultaneously.

  • Motivational Tool: The prospect of achieving a 10x growth can serve as a powerful motivational tool for teams, inspiring creativity, innovation, and resourcefulness in pursuit of ambitious business goals.


The forecasting model allows for flexibility in adjusting values to predict growth based on different scenarios. It provides a linear growth prediction for all three components: traffic, conversions, and ARPU.


This document provides an overview of the features and benefits of the Time Machine Dashboard in Putler. For more information or assistance, please refer to the Putler FAQ docs or contact our support.