Using Putler
📄️ Activate 2FA on your Putler account
Steps to activate 2FA for your Putler account
📄️ Curency Conversions
Putler support 36 currencies. Putler can automatically take care of multiple currency conversions and show you reports in your selected base/primary currency.
📄️ Custom Product Segments
Quickly create custom segments within Putler by following these simple steps
📄️ Export Contacts to Mailchimp
Simple steps to export contacts to Mailchimp and how to export contacts to Mailchimp audiences.
📄️ Export Reports
Export any type of report instantly using Putler. Get a complete CSV export of your data and use it for further analysis.
📄️ How to see your balance amount in Putler?
View the balance amount from multiple data sources and in multiple currencies within Putler. Putler shows a systematic breakdown of your balance in a click.
📄️ Identify frequently bought together products
Quickly identify the products that are frequently bough together by your customers and use this information to sell more and earn more profits.
📄️ Identify New vs Returning Customers
Find out how many new, returning customers purchased from you in the last week, month, year. Adjust your time period and get the exact stats with Putler.
📄️ Issue Refunds
Steps to issue refunds instantly and securely for PayPal, Stripe and Shopify using Putler.
📄️ Manage Subscriptions
Have a subscription business? Then you are aware of all the pains associated with it. Here's a step-by-step article to help you manage subscriptions with ease.
📄️ Merge Products
Putler lets you easily merge multiple products into one product and get stats and reports for that single product. Check the steps here.
📄️ Sales heatmap
Heat maps are a great way to understand how visitors interact with your website. Putler's sales heatmap records every sales activity that happens on your store. Using this heat map, you can figure out the best time, day your store makes the most sales.
📄️ Segment customers
Putler deeply understands customer buying behavior and groups them based on various parameters. Follow these steps to segment your customers using Putler
📄️ Send Money
If you have connected your PayPal account with Putler, then you are in for a treat!
📄️ Set Monthly Goals
We understand the importance of setting goals and achieving them. Here's how Putler helps you set and achieve monthly goals.
📄️ Tagging
Tagging is super simple in Putler. You can easily tag orders, sales, customers.