Currency Conversions
Putler supports 36 currencies.
- 'EUR'
- 'AUD'
- 'BGN'
- 'BRL'
- 'CAD'
- 'CHF'
- 'CNY'
- 'CZK'
- 'DKK'
- 'GBP'
- 'HKD'
- 'HRK'
- 'HUF'
- 'IDR'
- 'ILS'
- 'INR'
- 'JPY'
- 'KRW'
- 'MXN'
- 'MYR'
- 'NOK'
- 'NZD'
- 'PHP'
- 'PLN'
- 'RON'
- 'RUB'
- 'SEK'
- 'SGD'
- 'THB'
- 'TRY'
- 'USD'
- 'ZAR'
- 'SAR'
- 'AED'
- 'QAR'
- 'BHD'
Some key points on how Putler handles multi currencies
Putler uses to get historical exchange rates.
The exchange rate used in Putler is the mid-market (the average between the prices at which people are buying and selling for a particular currency) closing rate (The exchange rate for two currencies at the end of a period of time, such as a trading day or month.) on the date when the transaction was made.
Eg: Mid-market rate for USD on 22-Sep-2018 is 0.85EUR.
The exchange rates used in the payment gateway may be different from the rates which we use. This may lead to differences in the stats/numbers between Putler and gateway reports, especially when you are dealing with multiple currencies. For Eg: You may see a difference in the total sales amount when you compare Putler and Stripe's dashboard.