Sales heatmap
Want to understand how customers shop on your website?
What is the most lucrative time to run an offer?
On which day you bank the most sales or the least sales?
Then voila, Putler's Sales HeatMap is the magical feature you need to try.
The Sales HeatMap is located in the Sales Dashboard. It is a simple chart which denotes the sales activity that happens in your store.
Some things you should know about the Sales HeatMap
- The darker the dot the higher the sales activity
- The lighter the dot the lesser the sales activity
- The time specified on the Sales HeatMap is according to the timezone set up in your preferences
- If you hover on the dots you can see the exact sales amount for that time and day
- On hovering over the dots you can also see the frequency of sales for that period
Practical Application Of The Sales HeatMap
Actions to take on your store during dark spot areas The dark dot areas denote high sales. But ofcourse, we can take that a notch higher and increase sales even more.
- Add live chat to interact with customers
- Target incredible upsells on cart, checkout
- Give store credits for their next purchase
- Make sure your server is working well and will be able to take the hike of traffic for this period
- Show frequently bought together items and offer a discount on them
Actions to take on your store during light spot areas The light dot areas denote low sales. Now that's not a good thing. But identifying the low sales period and doing something about it, definitely is!
- Run a storewide sale
- Collect leads by offering something for free
- Be online on chat to answer pre-sales queries and close sales
- Offer downsells on exit intent
- Since this period has low sales, plan downtimes during this period
Awesome ideas right? So go ahead and try these strategies in your store.
BTW if you don't have the tools to execute these strategies on your store. Feel free to browse our sister brands: